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 Ranking & Analysis > Problem: mp_j90_a10_nr5_AgentCopp5 > Solution: 1757
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.: Solution information
SOLUTION AMS help TMS help APD help DPD help METHOD TYPE help EF help CT help EXP help DL
Dietz/Homberger  - 2008-06-27 316.2 361 249.2 22.0746 CMAS/ES-STV D 100000 891.859  8   
  Comment by author: Mue:40 Lambda:80 StartPop:500 Rounds:1250

PROJECT CPD help MS help SD help PD help RG help CPD & MShelp DOWNLOAD
 Project 1 67 321 0 254 379.10 %
 Project 2 67 346 0 279 416.42 %
 Project 3 67 344 0 277 413.43 %
 Project 4 67 311 0 244 364.18 %
 Project 5 67 341 0 274 408.96 %
 Project 6 67 286 0 219 326.87 %
 Project 7 67 313 0 246 367.16 %
 Project 8 67 290 0 223 332.84 %
 Project 9 67 295 0 228 340.30 %
 Project 10 67 315 0 248 370.15 %